Cannabis is Great For Runners – Here’s Why

Have you ever felt the “runner’s high”?

It’s a feeling of energy and euphoria that can be explained by science. A rush of endogenous cannabinoids that are released from the human brain during exercise. Recently they’ve found that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, closely mimics this healthy chemical process. Continue reading Cannabis is Great For Runners – Here’s Why

What It’s Like When Your Boyfriend is a Personal Trainer

He frequently breaks out into a stretch or exercise, even in a questionable setting. He’s a stickler for healthy diet – exceptions for his guilty pleasure french fries, of course.

Because of my boyfriend I have stayed very linked to the fitness world and learned so much about how to improve my body, diet and exercise plan. It’s almost like having a trainer, without having to pay for one! Continue reading What It’s Like When Your Boyfriend is a Personal Trainer